Myth #1: The end
of the world will be achieved by the destruction of the
Myth #2: At the
Second Advent, Christ will judge the earth with fire.
Myth #3: The
Anti-Christ has not yet come.
Myth #4: The new
Messiah to all humanity will be born in Israel.
Myth #5: Christ
will return only for Christians.
Myth #6: There is
no danger for Christians that they will fail to recognize and attend
the Lord of the Second Advent when he comes.
#7: Jesus will fulfill the Second Coming himself.
#8: Christ will come on the clouds to meet his
followers in the sky at the rapture.
Myth #9: It
is not possible to know where and when Christ will return.
Myths #10:
The Messiah & Lord of the Second Advent has not yet come to the
earth at this time.