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Judaism Myth #5: 

The reason that God could not prevent the horrible tragedy of the Holocaust has nothing to do with the fact that Jewish leaders instigated the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


As difficult and unimaginable as it may sound, the reason that God could not prevent the horrible tragedy of the Holocaust has everything to do with the fact that Jewish leaders instigated the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  To grasp the true implications of this statement, it is necessary to fully contemplate the central role of the Jews as chosen people in God's Providence based on a new understanding given by God.  Without understanding the providential purpose for which Israel came into being as God's chosen nation and its corresponding dispensational responsibility, it is impossible to understand the underlying significance and meaning of the Holocaust and why God could not prevent it.  The following explanation serves only as a brief summary of a what can be studied by reading an entire book on this subject.

To begin with, it is necessary to realize that God's primary purpose in raising up the Jewish people was to prepare a nation which would carry out the providential responsibility of protecting the life and mission of God's only begotten son, Christ, the Messiah.  Christ's dispensational mission involves bringing an end to all human suffering and evil by providing a pathway for all people to be restored to their original sinless state before having been cast out of the Garden of Eden and thereby establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  God painstakingly made preparations for 4,000 years to prepare the necessary earthly foundation to send the long-awaited Messiah.  

Because Jesus Christ did not embody many of the characteristics given by Old Testament prophecy for the coming Messiah, it made his acceptance by the people nearly impossible.  Foreseeing this problem in advance, God prepared John the Baptist to fulfill the mission of Elijah to "make the way straight" for Jesus to be recognized and accepted by the Jewish nation.  John was uniquely qualified for this task because he embodied so many messianic characteristics that people imagined that John was the Messiah.   Without John the Baptist fulfilling his responsibility to attend Jesus with absolute faith there would be no basis to hope that Jesus could ever fulfill his mission amidst such impossible circumstances.  In fact, one of the most important signs which the Jewish people of Jesus' day were anticipating in order to know that the coming of the Messiah was imminent was the return of Elijah, as prophesied in the Old Testament.  Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah.    Unfortunately, as the Bible recounts, John the Baptist eventually came to doubt whether Jesus was the Messiah, contributing enormously to the disbelief on the part of the Jewish leaders later culminating in Jesus being crucified contrary to the will of God.

While Christians around the world celebrate Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross as a ransom for the sins of the world, it must be understood that his crucifixion was not God's original plan.  Rather, the awesome price paid by Jesus' untimely death was a secondary course in order to make the most out of an extremely tragic circumstance which horrified God, causing Him immense grief and sadness beyond human comprehension.  As revealed in the Bible, God severely castigated the Jewish people and the nation of Israel for rejecting and crucifying Jesus Christ. 

According to the Bible, Israel lost its status as God's chosen nation.  While the murder of Jesus was decided only by a handful of people, as the official representatives of the people, the sin was considered to be collective.  Ironically and tragically the Jews forsook the very person who they had eagerly longed to receive as their king, the very person who they had been prepared to love and attend in accordance with God's dispensation for the restoration of the world.

It is not possible to place a value on the life of God's only begotten son who comes on the foundation of 4,000 years of tireless preparation and sacrifice by God in order to restore all humanity and establish God's earthly kingdom.  As a result of Jesus' crucifixion, God had no choice but to postpone the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth until the Second Coming of Christ 2,000 years after the death of Jesus Christ.

According to universal law, the crime of crucifying God's only begotten son must be indemnified before the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven can take place.  The reason God had no choice but to allow Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's to carry out the horrific tragedy of the Holocaust was because Satan, the enemy of God and all humanity, demands that those collectively responsible for the crime pay a price so that they may be released from blame.  This same principle of indemnity underlies criminal justice systems all over the world.  The payment demanded by Satan to indemnify the murder of Jesus Christ had to somehow approximate what would otherwise be an incalculable value.  Paradoxically, it is Satan or his minions who first tempt and lead human beings to commit sin only later demanding that those responsible pay a price for their crime.  God and Jesus Christ, on the other hand, are always ready and willing to grant forgiveness to human beings for their sins requiring only that necessary conditions of restitution be fulfilled including a responsible attitude of sincere repentance.  

Through having paid such an unimaginable price in terms of human life, Satan can no longer stand in accusation of the Jewish people for their historical mistakes which led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  This condition of indemnity thereby allows them to stand blameless as full participants in the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven based on their attitude of repentance for the fate of Jesus Christ and their eventual acceptance and attendance to the Lord of the Second Advent when he returns to save all humanity.




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