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Moral Relativism Myth #2: 

Anything goes.


Look at the world we are currently living in. The people of the world are caught in the trap of extreme selfishness, clamoring for material omnipotence. They have lost all sense of values and have fallen into the depths of self-gratification and degeneration. The world is filled with alcoholics. As if drugs and free sex were not enough, there are even those who commit incest—an act not even seen in the animal world—and still live with their heads held high. This world has become one wherein beasts with human faces roam freely even after violating women—queens, grandmothers, mothers, wives and daughters. This world has become one wherein the swapping of spouses between couples is rampant. Such circumstances are without a doubt the pinnacle of the destruction of morality and the very last of fallen acts. This world has become hell on earth, where the perfection of the world embodying the ideal God envisaged at the Creation cannot even be dreamed of. 

We have come to know that all these problems are rooted in the Fall of Adam and Eve, our first ancestors. Adam and Eve, who were at the perfection stage of the growth period, had a sexual relationship before their rightful time, due to the temptation of Satan. In this manner, an illicit sexual union of man and woman constituted the Fall. This is why people have continued to commit such indecent acts—traitorous acts that drive a sharp spike into the heart of God—over thousands of years. They have been unable to escape from the realm of the fallen lineage. 

A man or woman alone can only be one-half of the whole. That is how God created us. For that reason, He has interchanged the owners of the reproductive organs, the love organs. The owner of the wife’s reproductive organ is the husband, and the owner of the husband’s is the wife. Only when each is rooted in true love for the sake of the other are they in the position of the owner of their spouse. In other words, irrespective of who they are, all human beings can become perfected individuals—and not just mere halves—only when they have secured the position of an owner through marriage. 

The human sexual organs are sacred. They are the palace of life, where the seed of life is sown, the palace of love, where the flower of love is made to bloom and the palace of lineage, where the fruit of lineage is borne. Through this absolute sexual organ, the absolute lineage, absolute love and absolute life is brought forth; and absolute harmony, absolute unity, absolute liberation and absolute Sabbath brought about.

For what reason, then, are we trying to restore the position of the owner of the reproductive organs? It is to possess God’s love from that position. He is the subject of three great loves. As the owner of the universe, He is the true teacher, true owner, and true loving parent. These are the true three great subject ideologies. All these teachings and truths are created through the life of a true, model family; and with its expansion, the society, nation, the world and even the universe will be transformed into the peace kingdom of the model, ideal family. 

However, because of the Fall, the first Adam lost the original, true lineage and consequently failed to form the original couple and the original family. Adam, who should have become the true teacher, the true parent and the true king, inherited the lineage of Satan and was degraded to a false teacher, false parent and false king. 

When we come to think of it, the purpose for Jesus’ coming down to earth did not lie elsewhere. If Jesus, who had come as the second Adam, had not lost his life on the cross, he would have been the source of the original lineage of God, unrelated to the Fall, and would have reversed the failure of the first Adam, established the true family as the Savior of humankind and founded on earth the original human homeland, the kingdom of the world embodying the ideal of peace, that is, the kingdom of heaven on earth. However, the disciples, the Jewish leaders and the leaders of the nation of Israel all failed to recognize the Christ, and their disbelief caused Jesus to end his life in such a wretched and tragic way. Has there been anyone who knew of the grievous heart of Jesus, who had to leave earth at an untimely moment, leaving no child behind him? Though two thousand years of Christianity history have passed, has there ever been any Christian who stopped to imagine Jesus’ sorrowful circumstances? Jesus left suddenly, leaving behind him few traces other than a promise to return, and though his physical body has long been buried and become dust, the will that God had tried to fulfill through him is finally in the process of being completed at this time, at the end of history, through True Parents, who have received the seal of Heaven and been manifested on earth. 

If you establish a true family on earth and lead a heavenly life, once you die your life will be connected to the kingdom of heaven in heaven just as you are, and you will enjoy eternal life. Therefore, in the framework of the family, you should serve God as the Father in the topmost position. Everyone should become His children, entering into a parent–child relationship with Him and perfecting yourselves through living together, closely linked in blood ties. In short, you should form and live in the realm of a true love relationship with God. 

Who would be the greatest grandfather of the universe? The first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, call God “Father.” Should their children call Him “Grandfather”? They too should call Him “Father.” Why is this so? From the viewpoint of God, the vertical center, all object partners of love are equal. His object partners, which are produced through the horizontal expansion and multiplication of His love, assume equal value regardless of who they are, transcending time and space. Simply put, everyone has equal value in perfected love. 

The kingdom of heaven must first be achieved on earth. What this means is that the kingdom of heaven being established in the corporeal world is prerequisite to establishing the kingdom of heaven in the incorporeal world. Therefore, heaven is not a world found in space on the other side of the galaxy, nor is it the by-product of imagination existing only in the human brain. It refers to the substantial kingdom of heaven on earth, which can only be created when you have led lives expressive of true love. When you leave the physical world on that foundation, you automatically enter the incorporeal kingdom of heaven in heaven. This means that only when you have led a heavenly life on earth, can you lead such a life also in heaven. 

Only the fruit that has fully ripened on the tree is classified while in storage as a product of the best quality. Herein lies the reason why your lives should not be ones bound for hell, devoured by insects on the tree. You should never forget that you yourselves determine whether you go to heaven or to hell through your life on earth. 

The reason we miss the family we have left behind is that at home there is love for one another. It is where the love of mother and father, the love of elder brothers and sisters and younger siblings, and the love of one’s spouse and children and close neighbors are all deeply embedded. It is a place of mutual affection, where all relationships and affinities are brought together through mutual love. This makes you want to cherish each and every member of your family. It would be the yearning and desire of a wanderer that has left his family behind him to appear before his family once again boldly as a liberated being, and to embrace mountains, streams and trees, love his kith and kin, and sing songs of ecstasy. However, the lot of humankind, descended from the Fall, has been different: banished from their hometown and destined to wander around forever in isolation and defeat, human beings are unable ever to go back, no matter how much they miss their family, for they have lost the root of the heart of their original homeland.


However, with the ushering in of the era of a new heaven and a new earth after the coming of heaven, human beings have been pulled out of the marsh that was sucking them down, and the way has been opened for them to return to their hometowns—hometowns that they could not forget even for a moment—and meet with their family. Could there ever be a day of greater blessing for humanity? The time of heavenly power and fortune has now come for us to reestablish the original family that was lost through the Fall of Adam and Eve.


When seeking after the lost original family, you should set out from the position of the perfection of Adam, the position of the perfected Jesus, and the perfected position representing the Second Coming of the Lord. God will dwell in such a family. That family would be one of three generations—grandparents, parents and children—living in harmony. You need to live in service and attendance of the grandfather as the historical root of your ancestors.


The family sets the pattern for living together in harmony. The home wherein parents and children love and respect each other, husband and wife are grounded in mutual trust and love, and brothers and sisters trust and rely on each other, and all live together as one, is the model ideal family. This means that you need to establish a true family wherein the stem of true love emerges from the root of true love and bears the fruit of true love.


In such a family the root of history is alive, and the root of the Kingdom of Heaven extends into it. It is in such a family that the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth takes root. It is also where the everlasting root of kingship is firmly planted. The roots of the past, present and future are represented by the grandparents, parents, and grandsons and granddaughters respectively. The root of the past represents the spirit world, the root of present is the palace representing the world today, and the root of future establishes the grandsons and granddaughters as princes and princesses, and erects the palace of peace representing the two worlds, the spirit world and the physical world. 

In such a manner, the three generations of grandparents, parents, and grandsons and granddaughters should live together as one family, serving the eternally existent God. You should know that to seek after and establish such a family of God’s kingdom is the desire of God. 

The movement to realize a society of mutual existence, prosperity, and benefit, by making humanity one great family, breaking down the walls in our hearts and eliminating even the boundaries between nations, begins thus from one family. Therefore, we should bear in mind that to form and establish true families is our providential calling, advancing the establishment of the cosmic peace kingdom on earth. 

You should form families that God will miss and yearn to return to after He has been away. You should raise families to which He can come freely as a Parent visiting His children. That is living in the service of God. To such a family, God becomes the Subject of our conscience, acting vertically. Following that vertical Subject, your mind stands in the position of the vertical subject of yourself, and brings your mind and body into unity. That is where parental love, conjugal love, children’s love, and siblings’ love—in short, the four realms of love or the four realms of heart—are perfected. Only in such a family can the upper and lower, front and behind, left and right be connected as one and circular motion continue. 

If the world were filled with such true families, that world would be one governed by the heavenly way and heavenly laws, with no need for lawyers, prosecutors or even judges. Ponder this for a moment. Who would be most fully aware of your good and bad deeds? It would be your grandparents, your parents, your spouse and your children.


Is there anything that cannot be resolved within the family? When parents and children, husband and wife, and elder siblings and younger siblings set an example of living for the sake of one another, how could they do anything unforgivable? What chance would they have to commit crimes? A world governed by the heavenly way and the heavenly laws is a natural world, an unobstructed world of truth and pure reason, and a world of the settlement of noon, where no shadows are cast. 




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